The Stories

Sears Island, the road by James McCarthy

Boy Scout

When I was in my early teens (in the mid-1960s) I was in the Boy Scouts and we used to go camping on Sears Island....

Island Song

When turning turbines, does Wind become tired and stressed and become an ill wind? Will Wind change course when faced with sharp blades on tall towers massed in lines like old-time...

Mourning for an Island

Yesterday I went down to the coast to begin a process of mourning. I was mourning for the loss of a coastal Maine treasure, that until now has been the “largest uninhabited, undeveloped, cause-way accessible island on the eastern coast of the United States”. This is the place that we now call Sears Island,...

Poems by Gary Lawless

Hard to be lonely in the lushness of eel-grass, feeling the ocean’s ebb and flow — hard to know want or hurt or waste, here below the sun, the sky, the water’s edge of grass and mud and moving with the moon ...

Protect Sears Island

On Memorial Day my poet friend Gary Lawless and I went on a seven-mile walkabout on Sears Island. A chestnut-sided warbler greeted us soon after our arrival. Its song is sometimes described as a short ditty: “Pleased, pleased, pleased to meetcha!” Even though this is what male chestnut-sided warblers sing to attract a mate,...

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