Island Song

SM, Islesboro

When turning turbines, does Wind
become tired and stressed
and become an ill wind?
Will Wind change course
when faced with sharp blades
on tall towers massed in lines
like old-time foot soldiers
across the ocean?
Can turbines slice Wind into pieces,
to be devoured by rain, ice and snow?
Might Wind say, “No way I'm passing
thru those monsters,” then
fall asleep over mountain and plain?

Will Tree and Wood Frog unite and revolt
against the tyranny of sacrifice,
a blood-letting, a massacre
of monumental proportions,
and whisper to near-shore Fish,
“Get away, Get away while you can.”

Consider the consequences,
the known and the unknown.

This island off the North American coast,
at the epicenter of climate change,
amidst competing futures, sea-level rise,
severe storms and occupied Wabanaki territory,
excess beside misery, species extinctions, species migrations,
compassion and connection displaced and homeless.

Wind, Tree, Wood Frog, Fish –
We are the earth-community, ill and wondering,
Get it right; get it good?
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