Boy Scout

Sears Island, the road by James McCarthy

Darrell Seekins, North Searsport

When I was in my early teens (in the mid-1960s) I was in the Boy Scouts and we used to go camping on Sears Island. It was before the causeway was built and it was kind of a neat feeling to know that we were somewhat isolated from others. We also dug clams on the island while we were camping. It was a first and possibly only time for many of us.

I live in North Searsport in the same house that I grew up in. We didn’t go down to the water much back then, so the camping trips with the Scouts were even more special.

In later years as an adult, I spent a fair amount of time on the island because I was a runner. I would park out at Route 1 and run to the island. It was a terrific place to run and much safer than on the highway. The relatively flat road was ideal for speed work and the hill up to the end of the island was great for strength work. The solitude and occasional wildlife sightings were a bonus. Good memories.


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